
YouTube Top 10: because you're never too big to give your mum a hug

… even if you’re an NBA superstar and it’s the final minute of the Western conference final. Here’s Kevin Durant and nine other top sporting vids.

10. Now this is how you celebrate. With the Oklahoma City Thunder just 14 seconds away from a series win against San Antonio and a place in the NBA finals, Kevin Durant used a timeout to find his mum in the crowd and give her a big celebratory hug. Awww.

YouTube Credit: NBA

[h/t Buzzfeed]

9. We think this is real — and if it is, skateboarder Serge Murphy was very lucky to walk away without serious injury. All those YouTube views should help to ease the pain.

YouTube Credit: nickythegook

[h/t Off The Bench]

8. After Trap and Marco, this man possibly has the most important job in Poznan’s Municipal Stadium on Sunday. It’s FAI kitman Dick Redmond, and here he is doing his thing.

YouTube Credit: faiofficial

7. Ever wish you had a cool nickname like “The Beast”? Well, when you can lift and hold a 112 kg team-mate like Tendai Mtawarira, come back to us and we’ll consider it.

YouTube Credit: Blacklion1192

6. Picture the scene. You’re a 42-year-old journeyman golfer — let’s just say your name is Dennis Miller — and you’ve one putt to qualify for the US Open. Then this happens.

YouTube Credit: ucbananaboy


5. Joe Ansbro and Alasdair Strokosch might want to spend a bit of time working on their celebrations. (We would make a joke about Scottish rugby players not needing to celebrate that often but it’s probably best to wait until after Ireland’s NZ tour before we do that.)

YouTube Credit: WillemTait

4. If you’re going to stage a mid-match pitch invasion, make sure you tick as many boxes as possible — hug a player; score a free-kick; celebrate in front of the crowd; encourage mass participation.

YouTube Credit: dellasanca25

[h/t @gavreilly]

3. After last Sunday’s win at the Memorial, it would be way too easy to herald the second (or is it the third or fourth?) coming of Tiger Woods, so we won’t. Let it suffice to say that this is a bloody good golf shot, made even better by the heartfelt fist-pumping. Welcome back, buddy.

YouTube Credit: pgatour

2. Nobody does goal celebrations like friend of Marcello Matrone (he tweeted us once, it counts). Here’s the Brazilian’s latest elaborate effort.

YouTube Credit: futballboss

[h/t 101gg]

1. You’ve seen the video of the “good job” kid, right? Well if you haven’t, let this be a lesson in dedicated support to you. Doesn’t change the fact that the Heat suck, though.

YouTube Credit: nbaus3030

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