1. “I dropped my shit off at the motel and started the walk through town to get to Beaver Stadium.
Along the way, I got passed by an RV that was packed with people, and I could see some of the people inside already clutching beers.
This was 8:30 in the morning. Beer tastes better the earlier you drink it.
I passed giant frat houses that looked halfway decent on the outside, but it was obvious that the insides were havens of unspeakable filth. You could see the frat brothers pre-gaming out on their balconies. I walked by a collection of brick apartment buildings that a lot of students called home.
A drunk chick shouted “WE ARE” from the balcony and a group of guys in front of me offered up a “PENN STATE” in response.”
Visiting the campus of shamed Pennsylvania State University, GQ’s Drew Magary finds a population still supportive of the football team in the post- Joe Paterno era.
2.“As a player, he never proved stronger than when doubted, dismissed or confronted with overwhelming odds. And at no point in his career was this clearer than during his trip to Scotland to compete in the 1953 Open Championship.
Though confined to a rigorous schedule of mineral baths and (primitive) physiotherapy, Hogan elected to cross the Atlantic in the hope of capturing golf’s most prestigious tournament and, with it, his third major championship of the year. He prepared meticulously, even ordering bespoke thermal underwear to aid his circulation.
It must have appeared an act of deepest hubris to Europe’s veterans of links golf. Until, of course, he ran out the winner by four.”
Reflecting on the day that would have marked Ben Hogan’s 100th birthday, Conor Nagle adds some flesh to ghost that looms over golf for BackNine.
3. “He was (and remains) a freak of nature, even if his legacy has been tarnished by the developments of the past few days, months and years. As for the good outweighing the bad in respect to his brand, that’s a debate that will probably continue until Armstrong is gone from this world. He is a complex character.
I’ve interviewed him dozens of times over the past quarter-century, including one earlier this year when he spoke excitedly about his plans to win the Ironman world championship at age 41—a project that is now on permanent hold.
At different times, I’ve encountered an Armstrong who can be belligerent or soft, deadly serious or light-hearted, impatient or calm, manipulating or straight-up. He always swore to me he never took banned drugs. At the time, I believed him.”
Peloton Magazine’s John Wilcockson attempts to quantify the damage done to the Livestrong brand, Lance Armstrong’s charity for cancer research.
4.“Dear Emmett C. Burns Jr.,
I find it inconceivable that you are an elected official of Maryland’s state government. Your vitriolic hatred and bigotry make me ashamed and disgusted to think that you are in any way responsible for shaping policy at any level. The views you espouse neglect to consider several fundamental key points, which I will outline in great detail (you may want to hire an intern to help you with the longer words):”
Minnesota Vikings kicker Chirs Kluwe responds to Maryland State delegate Burns, who last week wrote to Baltimore Ravens owner Steve Biscotti urging him to clamp down on players supporting gay marriage.
5. “The Tseleevo Golf and Polo Club is a Jack Nicklaus layout, peppered with fake classical Greek temples and monuments, has a clubhouse that vaguely resembles Trafalgar Square’s National Gallery and gardens that became, during the pro-am, a busy helicopter park.
Oh yeah, it’s got a private ski slope too.”
Russia isn’t the first land mass we think of when considering a quick 18 holes, CuriousAboutGolf got a little closer.
There doesn’t seem to be any link to read the full article on Lance Armstrong?
Should be fixed now, D. If not, the article is here: http://www.pelotonmagazine.com/Wilcockson/content/21/1799/Wilcockson-The-Armstrong-Case