LUIS SUAREZ HAS bitten two footballers in his career. And, it seems, like he’s gone and completed his hat-trick with Giorgio Chiellini.
This happened moments before Diego Godin scored to put Uruguay in the lead and in the driving seat to take a place in the knock-out stage.
h/t @martynziegler
WTF is wrong with him. How hard is it to not bite somebody. Lol
Can he be banned now or do FIFA have the power? What’s the rules ?
Those Italians are just so tasty
Be likes italian.. Whaddyagonna du?
For life, the horrible little shit.disgusting, and dangerous.
Maybe its a fetish? or he is a cannibal :-)
Will someone just kick his head in & be done with it. He belongs in a zoo.
That’s his big move to Barca wrecked.Although I’m sure Real would still take him.He would be in good company alongside fellow animals,Pepe and Ramos.
If it happened in a game in my League, someone *would* kick his head in…
Yup…. sell him, be gone….. and we got his best years, but that is not right……. lessons never learned…..
I don’t think he did, it looks like he got a shoulder into face n then threw a head butt. Hope he isn’t banned, second best player left in tournament after messi
What is funny is that he was complaining about the crass UK tabloid media coverage of his past indiscretions – photoshopping fangs onto him etc – and he goes out and provides them with fresh ammunition. He is definitely gone from Liverpool now.
top right of pic
wrong link! sorry
Lashes how do you explain the marks on the players shoulder .. Showed a close up on espn .. Good footballer but there is a really nasty side to him..
I can’t see LFC giving their support to LS after this latest incident he obviously needs serious psychiatric help and his football career is surely over. YNWA.
Problem is nobody will wanna buy him and if he does get a ban after that ban his value will have fallen, put it this way Liverpool won’t be getting a €100 million for him anyway that’s for sure
Such a shame undoubtedly a wonderful talent.
Cause sergio biscuits or dani alves are just model citizens. I don’t like either club but they both as bad as each other, no class.
He had a chip on his shoulder
lashes is obviously a fool
Ramos is not really an animal, gets booked a lot but more on reputation at this stage , pepe’s done some bad things and cost portugal dearly in this World Cup but look at some of barcas actions, busquets stood on pepe’s head a few months ago so pot kettle. Although Suarez is worse then any of them complete disgrace.
YES he did.. wither it was a serious bite or not. he clearly tried. an so should be banned from playing anymore games in the world cup. not 1.. not 2…but the 3rd time. if it happens again id ban him for life!
That’s soccer for you. Cheats, thugs and hair bands.
Levante’ There is a fine line between genius and insanity. I have erased it’
Suarez has just erased his career.
You shouldn’t bite the shoulder of the team that feeds you the next round.
I was eating fish & chips and the cod hit me in the mouth.
Fantastic skillful footballer, but by God!!. hes a nutcase.
Solution would be to remove his teeth
Or put a Hanibal type mask on him. It’s disappointing to see that by a player of his calibre. If its proven, he should be sent home immediately
Definitely bit him. The evidence is clear in this pic –
I definitely wouldn’t want him at the far side of a glory hole. You couldn’t trust him not to take a nibble.
Imagine enforcing him to wear a muzzle. That would be a sight.
In his country it’s a compliment.
Suarez wasn’t too fond of the Serbian cuisine, but you can’t go wrong with Italian cuisine.
Yes people need to understand that this part of Uruguayan culture.Not to do so would be racist.
I can’t believe people green thumbed such comments. Obviously they are tongue-in-cheek but to just go out and say something totally inaccurate about a whole nation of people because of one idiot is stupid xenophobia.
Buzz Killington, welcome, I was wondering when you might get here. Word to the wise, they will be a variety of jokes on this topic, very few people will care if you find them offensive, so maybe best to just step aside now lest you suffer a coronary. Good god, some people could use humour implants!
Jees, somebody has humouraphobia.
Was watching the match with my ten year old son who absolutely idolises Suarez. Which he probably got from his daddy :) absolutely adore the guys footballing ability. One if the most amazing footballers I have ever seen in my life. And he has an incredible work rate also which is a bonus. But, I can’t have this, if it was a bite. Not when my son is watching. I would watch him play 24 hours a day, every day if I could. But he needs some sort of help cos something is just not right in psychological terms.
Most others always hated him, this is nothing new, being a Liverpool fan has totally skewed your view, no offence but how are you surprised?
If it is a bite he should be forced to wear a gum shield, a lovely fluorescent one so he can’t hide his shame.
I am not surprised. I always knew he is a ticking time bomb. But we knew he had taken great steps to rectify this last summer. Something goes off in his head and he just loses it. This just proves that there is no helping this guy. And until somebody comes up with a cure or whatever the hell it takes to tame this anger, I don’t think he should be allowed to play football. That’s my honest opinion.
I don’t know how he hasn’t had his teeth knocked out by one of the guys who bit him.
Just seen a pic of him with his head in his hands at the end of the game while his team mates are celebrating going through. He knows he has f*cked up again. And probably for the last time
I actually thought he gad calmed down……..I was sooooooo terribly wrong
Luis Suarez has never been on the losing team in a game in which he’s bitten an opponent. (Ajax 0-0, Liverpool 2-2, Uruguay 1-0).
He should have had a gnaw at Slippy G so, before their title challenge collapsed on its arse against Chowski at Nomfield!!
I dont care what anyone says this is hilarious!! #mmmtasty
To be fair to him Italian food is delicious….
A lead role in The walking Dead is calling
He sure did. Call the dog warden. It’s time to put this mongrel down…. As a pool supporter the only consolation is that he’ll be well rested for next season…. Sell the b#%^*rd… A disgrace is what he is
That’s IF they can sell him now after this
His teeth are very big maybe they’re just falling into other players
Yep….damn gravity blighting his career….
I just saw a picture of bitemarks in chieliini’s shoulder. Real picture not a fake. It was defo a bite
The next team to play Uruguay will have to have tetnis jabs tucked into there socks.
I don’t have any sympathy for the big eejit, this is the THIRD time. Somebody please come on here and try to excuse him…..
Okay Frank……..I’d like to excuse him, I think he was actually trying to give him a quick kiss
The more he gnaws the the better he performs….Chiellini will live to feign another play!!
I am a Liverpool Fan and really enjoyed him play this season but after such vile behaviour – I am gutted… He clearly has a psychotic condition, which despite all his wealth and fame, he has not addressed… Also, and I hate to admit it, he is a compulsive cheat… If football had any standards, he’d be banned for life… The videos show , apart from the deliberate headbutt and probable biting, play acting in the extreme… Some role model, which he claimed to be earlier the season just past… If FIFA take their usual cowardly way and let him off…LFC need to discipline him severely..and if Barca & RM want to have him… They are welcome…
A dog would be put down for that sort of carry on
But not if that dog was the best sniffer and one of the top 3 performers of Cirque du Futbol du Monde!
Chewy Luis
It’s no surprise that Patrick Bateman was such a huge fan, especially since Sports came out in ’83.
Can’t believe how Chiellini sunk his shoulder into Suarez’s teeth
Removing his two front teeth is the only option at this stage…
Have to agree with you…
He’d find a way to use his back teeth!
He’s all mark and no bite, except in front of goal where it actually matters….just ask Jagielka and Cahill!!
He gets to hungry during matches ppl should feed him more
Suarez odds on for the golden tooth award. He’s rabid.
Looks like he is going to cheat his way through another World Cup. Also may have saved Barca or Madrid a few million.
How the hell is that cheating? Its an absolute disgrace but i dont see how its cheating?
Look up what the word cheating means. He is a disgusting cheat.
Nasty is the word…. not cheating…. but again, he could save millions but still crucify him. This looks like a headbutt, but he does have a funny mouth….. I think he could also be doing this as an excuse to get out of England…
Graham, if anything this will stop him from going to Barca/Madrid. They’re hardly going to shell out 70m+ for a player that could be banned for half the season, aswell as having some clear mental problems.
Since when is trying to deliberately injure an opponent not cheating?
Any way he deserves to be sent home and given a long ban. Will it happen? Doubt it!
Graham it’s not often I agree with you but your spot on , he wants out again
He had a stellar season, incident free…… this does not add up…. I think he is playing the percentages game and angling for a reason to leave England.
Come on, the guy is not that silly to bite a player in the hope of getting out, whilst simultaneously damaging his career. This was a mental break, caused by stress, frustration and a little bit of crazy.
Hardly incident free when he couldn’t play till October after biting someone for the second time and was serving a ban.
And isn’t that why toddlers bite? Maybe Suarez needs to either grow up or go back into a creche.
maybe uruguay.
The munch of God
Makes me want to hit him.
Suarez is surely gone for good if it’s proved beyond doubt he done it which it looked he did, sick warped man.
Italy v Uruguay was a disgraceful game full of nasty tackles, cheating, etc just like corrupt FIFA this was everything that’s wrong with the game.
the guy is an animal should be banned for life from football
Does he not eat before matches? Just lucky it wasn’t heskey #feedthebeast
If he is not banned immediately then FIFA are merely a “toothless “organisation
Either his mouth is up near his forehead or that is just stupid… again!
Put a muzzle on him.
Or make him wear a gum shield.
Apex predator at the top of his pyramid!
Will his employers make fools of themselves this time defending this horrible person
No. Rodgers will not. Suarez was told that hes on his last chance. Liverpool could also make an argument tho that it was on international duty and not for liverpool. Really hope they dont tho…
Or will they just be smart and use his cartoon like uber-vilification to make his an even more potent asset on the field, just like before!?
A gum shield isn’t the answer. If it was a dog, you’d put a muzzle on it. Suarez has behaved like a dog. Apart from the possible football sanction, biting is a form of GBH so he should also face criminal charges. None of the big Spanish teams will want him now.
As assumably should Assou-Ekotto, Song, Costa, Pepe, Neymar, Marchiesio etc etc and anyone else guilty of any violent act at this tournament and in any other such incidence on a field of play!?! Otherwise all this gratuitous outcrying tripe is sensationalist hypocrisy at it gnawsiating worst!!
I think it was a headbutt, too quick to have been a bite
I agree . It looks for sure like a headbutt. Any chance of a retrospective red card that will mean he ll face a ban?…
He never bit him that’s for sure the question is did he go to bite him?
Gerry, would be deserved, but then many others have done cynical things too.
Cynical is bad but trying to eat someone is at another level. Its his third time too. Inexcusable. Very talented player but this carry on of trying to eat your opponents is just warped.
“He never bit him”
He left a clear bite mark!
@avina my comment was put up before the analysis of the match. I only saw the one replay before my comment and that replay looked like he tried to bite him but didn’t bite him. Looking at the other replays now he bit him iv seen the bite marks.
Fair enuffski…
As a Liverpool fan I am seriously disappointed of Suarez,that’s 3 times he has done that,he should be banned from all soccer for the remainder of the year
Looks more like a headbutt
That leaves teeth mark ?
What, you mean a “teethbutt”?!! FFS!!!
Should be banned from all football worldwide for 12 months.
As should Neymar for his premeditated forearm smash on Modric, not to mention Song’s elbow to the spine, Assou-Ekotto’s ‘friendly’ head-butt or Marchiesio’s lunge etc etc….or any such violent act on a field of play for that matter!!
@SinAssist – Along with spitting, biting is the lowest form of cowardice. The 4 players you mention deserve, and have (with the exception of Neymar) received punishment. Suarez has committed this vile behaviour on 3 occasions now (that we know of) and he truly is a despicable individual. His excuse afterwards that ‘these things happen in the box’ is beneath contempt.
The perception of his character is irrelevent really but if the same idiosyncrasies responsible for such trivial indiscretions are the same ones which make him the fantasticly gifted footballer he is then all he really needs to do is call the foul on himself, take the relevant fixed punishment and spare himself anymore such frenzies of sensationalist condenmnation and utter hypocrisy…..unlike the Neymars, Costas, Keanes, Giles, O’Driscolls, Jason Whelans etc etc guilty of equally violent acts on the field of play!!
@SinAssist. Although you are a clearly intelligent man with your English language presentation. Your bias opinion clearly clouds your judgement. We get it, your a Liverpool fan and you probably idolise Suarez like most pool fans. But how can you defend such an act mate. It’s disgraceful. It’ll be interesting to see how Licerpool and Rodgers react to this.
Not a Liverpool fan. Just not a fan of sensationalist hypocrisy on this matter! Add to that list since, Valencia, Giroud and Sakho etc after this evenings footballing assaults!
Suarez needs to be santioned appropriately but within context and not at the behest of the baying mob, pitch-forks aloft at a bonfire of indulgent hypocrisy!
Both teams are cynical. Be happy to see Italians go out as they’ve been v successful at being cynical for too long.
He mistook Chiellini for cannelloni
His wife must be a terrible cook.
Great piece of skill
A flawed genius.
And Chiellini is a gnawed genius.
Leopard and spots!!!!
Is tgat is found to be a bite……sell him to whoever he bloody well wants liverpool.
Check out the pic. I doubt a headbutt caused them marks.!/entry/photo-reveals-luis-suarez-bite-marks-on-italy-defender-giorgio,53a9be14025312186c21b896
What is this as*holes problem.
Serious footballer but serious mental problems as well! Looks like he is heading to Spain but transfer fee is not going to be anything like it should be now.
Eat a snickers Luis……
The ref should check Chiellini’s shoulder in the dressing room. If there’s confirmation of a bite, I would see this as a ‘three strike and you’re screwed’ scenario. 4 month world wide ban fits the crime, imo if FIFA have the jurisdiction. The game cannot be seen to be in any way lenient with this repeated cannibalism.
But the ref would have no proof that it was from suarez that time. I know we all saw it but i dont think the ref woukd be a loud to do that
Racist cannibal
Looks like 23,24,25,26 lower and 7 & 10 upper did the damage. its interesting reading the comments where people can’t see that it was a bite. I do wonder do that type of person see what I see. I’m not having a go at anyone because I honestly think they can’t work out what happened even with evidence in front of them.
No proof yet that it’s a bite
Shane come on now! He bit him, 100% certain!
The replay didn’t show what happened because the camera was behind him. Until we see the video from the camera behind the goal we can only hope it’s a head but. Innocent until proven guilty I guess haha.
How can you possibly be ’100% certain’? The only people who can be certain of what happened are the 2 players involved. Another camera angle will surely show exactly what happened.
His third time. He’s a rat…
Here’s the proof!
I never said he didn’t do it. If he’s done it AGAIN (and it looks like has) he deserves everything he gets. I just think it’s funny how someone watching something on tv can claim they are ’100% certain’ of something they had only seen from one angle at the time (behind) with no clear view of the incident.
What a common or garden scrote he is.
Saw him in Subway once munching into a Hearty Italian bread roll, all makes sense now!!
Pull his teeth out !
We’ll have him at west ham, dont care if the players are eaten or beaten as long as we dont lose as much as last season!
We have a history of taking in nutters, all right.
If he was a Man Utd player we’d never hear the end of it!
No media outlet so far has had to guts to just say he bit him. It’s all “appears to bite” or “Did he bite”, despite the fact that everybody saw him do it.
Them Italians are diving all game and pulling out of him id bite him too! Ynwa
I’d rather have Suarez bite me, than have Giggs shag my missus, or Rooney shag my granny.
Make him wear a gum shield, problem solved.
Chewy Suarez.
He’s going the right way of ruining his chances of being the best player in the world! Such a talent going to waste!
Can’t hide from the bite marks!
… we know Suarez has a Dracula type teeth!
Every other week in rugby you see people gouging each others eyes, and stamping, dirty strokes in hurling and off the ball incidents in gaa and football, big deal! Nothing made of costas head butt, leave chewy shares alone!;)
Like I said before on this it was only matter of time before he sunk his teeth into another player. What an absolute waste of skin this man is you
Ah poor Chilleni, such a saint of the game and one of the cleanest defenders in world football defo didn’t deserve that!
Do you think that rape victims are sluts too?
For all his undoubted ability, he is a headcase. He should be banned for 6 months and sent for counselling during this time. He obviously has serious issues to react by biting.
He is a legend for knocking England out in fairness, pity he plays for Liverpool
Sean Farrell for a Pulitzer for his ‘completed a hat-trick’ comment. Absolute quality !
I love to take a bite out of Italians, hearty ones at subway that is…
I don’t blame as I heard the Italian had a bit of a chip on his shoulder!!
He’s got the teeth for it
He should have done something with those chompers 10years ago anyhow
Hope he comes to a real club..super Leeds ,ur welcome luis
Mmmmm nice ultimate italian cuisine, suarez has his own menu
Dirty basterd should be banned for life, he can’t be any good at football when has to resort to stuff like this for attention.
Great player but mentally suspect. Character flaw which comes out during stress. But I think FIFA are gutless and won’t do a thing about this m.
He has a fine set of teeth, I’d say it was sore enough alright. Isn’t it sad though, how if in soccer one play as much as brushes off another one they immediately fall to the ground end start writhing in pain. Tell me where is the honour or dignity in that?
Peil Gaelach abú
He should be made wear a mask now, act like an animal, get treated like an animal #muzzlethatdawg
I heard this on the radio and I was like “Wth Luis”… I’m not a Liverpool fan or anything but he seems like a sound lad. This biting thing is so random and weird I think he’s probably a bit troubled and fcukin hilarious
One plus for Suarez is that he wss able to play against England. God is good
…perhaps he should have all his teeth removed & play without a gum shield so that he wouldn’t leave any marks !!!!! Seriously maybe he should just retire & play golf , he can the ball all day then ….
And the Brits gave him player of the year…the year before he was biting players..he should never have even got a nomination but then again footballers are mostly from slums so they would know no different..he s a great role model !!