RANGERS HAVE ENTERED administration, it was confirmed in the Court of Session in Edinburgh today.
The club are now automatically deducted 10 points, putting Glasgow rivals Celtic 14 points clear at the top of the Scottish Premier League, amd all but handing them the title.
The Ibrox club filed legal papers to the authorities yesterday, signalling their intent to enter administration. Club officials were keen to force the issure themselves rather than be pushed into the process by revenue chiefs.
Rangers are currently waiting for the verdict of a tax tribunal with a possible bill of ‘close to £70million’ mooted this week.
“Will work with administrators to get the club out of administration as quickly as possible and end all uncertainty,” owner Craig Whyte told Sky Sports earlier.
“We’ll survive very well. There will be no material impact on our business going forward. We have a stand-alone strategy, a stand-alone financial plan.”
Former manager Graeme Souness reckons that the club will cease to exist in its current guise.
“I think they will go into administration and reappear as Rangers 2012 or something, sadly,” he told the Daily Mail. “It is just a tragedy that has happened to them.
“I think they will come out of it. I think there will be an addition to the name, Rangers whatever. They will come out without their debt and start again.”
today i find a reason to smile,since 1872 rangers have operated a non catholic policy,for all your anti catholic chants,for your bitter slurs against jock stein,johnstone and tommy burns,for organising orange parades and walks around celtic park,for bigots like gaza souness mcoist,for orange away strips for runnin amuck everywhere u play,for your union jack wavin supporters,for the crap pies you serve at poundland,for when celtic almost went bust and you laughed and dominated scotish football,for all you stand for,for the shit way youve run your football club.today i smile coz karmas a bitch and today you lot got bit on the ass.hail hail
so souness..who was married to a catholic and took.the managers job on condition the ban was rescinded is a bigot? your hatred gets in the wsy of the truth sir. and what exactly are thevsongs that uefa have had to take action against Celtic this.season..hymns..i doubt it. sectarianism is alivevand well on.both sides and wont go.away until.its tackled by both sides of the divide throughout society. i condemn the bigots who stain.my clubs name..do you yours!
Yet again your facts are way off…the no catholic rule was not instigated until the twentieth century by manager Bill struth and some very short sighted and narrow minded people…ring a bell.
Glasgow Rangers was formed by four men as an athletic association for underprivileged people and to fund intiatives in the local community. In fact one of the four Moses McNeill was actually a Catholic.
My next question for you Mr Byrne would be what would you know about the great Jock Stein, Jimmy Johnstone or Tommy Burns? I actually knew Tommy Burns through my work and he would have told you himself it was like water off a ducks back to him and that the Celtic fans were just as bad.
Also when Celtic were on the brink of going bust David Murray offered to assist in any way he could as in his opinion, it would be bad for Scottish football if CFC went under. Yes the fans may have laughed and jeered and rightly so but all true fans know that there is no existence without each other, as do all Scottish teams.
If you have put as much as I have into my club…and it is my club, over the last forty years then you would stop with the usual rhetoric. I doubt you have put that much into anything in your life.
well.Darren..alan smith rangers u19 goalkeeper..roi u19 intl…alan kernaghan former senior irish intl.now reserve team coaching staff at Ibrox. but as you probably get your “news” from.the sun you wldnt be one to.let truth.and facts get in.the.way of a good sectarian rant
Never in my life have I come across a more narrow minded bunch of xenophobes in all my life. You are all comtemptable for your comments especially when you know nothing about what life is really like for people who have lived and orginate from Glasgow. By your very comments you have displayed bigotry and racism beyond reason.
I will reply in order:
1. Anne Marie Wallis – A Rubbish League…yours is so bad your population have to support English teams in order to see a decent game of football…way to go on the patriotism! You should be proud! How many European trophies have Irish teams won? How many golden boot winners have you had?
2. Eric Haughan…dream on this has a major effect on Celtic too. TV rights, sponsorship and the future of the SPL due to the revenue generated by BOTH clubs.
3. Gerald Fitzgerald – you sir are a fool who again has no clue about what this will do to communities in Glasgow and for the local economy in Govan. Nice to see you are supporting a good irish team though!
It never ceases to amaze me the depths to which stupidity goes in human beings. At least if you knew that you knew nothing that would be something!
I lived in Glasgow and while I agree with your point that not all Rangers fans are bigots,how can you explain the Famine song? Bitta banter is it? I’ve been told to go home by a fair few people when I lived there,idiots all the same but ill never forget how hurt I was. And yes the SPL is crap,even Scottish people say it. Soccer has to compete with GAA and in ny hone county of Limerick and across Ireland,rugby. Our league isn’t wonderful but at least its more open. Rant over,goodbye Rangers!
Also Irish people have stronger connections with English clubs than the Scots do…I know a lot of Scots that would admit the SPL is a poor league considering its the main sport in Scotland.
Ann Marie..Im.Irish..and a proud Rangers fan..my son at age 7 was told to “f away off back ti Belfast ya wee black hun b****rd!” when he wore his jersey…but I suppose all the bigots are Rangers fans? I despise the famine song and the billy boys song etc..but which club has uefa had to take action against recently for sectarian singing..hint its not Rangers. Rangers are trying to clean up our house…id advise the majority to look in.the mirror the odd time
I’m sorry Colin but at what point did I say all the bigots were Rangers fans? If you saw my first comment,you would note that I have many friends who are Rangers fans (including my ex). I am sorry for the loss of their club and the job losses that will occur. Having lived and worked in Govan,I know what the loss of a large institution like Rangers will do to an already socially deprived part of Glasgow. And I am sorry to hear about the incident with your son…I’ve seen grown adults shout at kids in the street for wearing the wrong jersey. I am all too aware of the bullshit certain Celtic fans come out with and they are as guilty as any other bigot in Scotland. I’m just going by my personal experiences,being called a dirty immigrant taig,not being wanted in Scotland etc. And yes,both old firm clubs do a lot for charity of which they should be commended.
ann marie thank you for balanced reply. your previous comments are somewhat contradictory..expressing delight at rangers predicament and concern for employees and finishing your second with goodbye rangers. now im not looking for a row and you are in my exp of posting here one of the most mannerly and objective commentators so if i misread your comments and confused them with others i apologise. and thank you for your disgust at what happened my wee boy. my bedt mates are celtic fans and gents they are too. i follow rangers with pride..ibe no time for bigots
Colin,at the end of the day I am a Celtic fan and cannot deny that…Rangers are our biggest rivals and in a similar fashion to other clubs in the SPL that have been in previous situations (Dundee clubs) there has been words of joy expressed at the clubs demise. I have been to Celtic Park and Ibrox,mortified at the carry on by both sides.Bigotry is a terrible blight on Scotland,which is as important as ever if they wish to go forward and have independence. It is true that Rangers and Celtic rely on eachother…the old firm is one of the most heated games in the world. I expect Rangers will come back in a different form,the fans are passionate about the club and will mend and make do in the best way they can. and no harm done,apart from that I loved my time in Glasgow!
I have expierience of your culture and community,and rangers fans ,so i am entitled to say it how it is,you support a evil racist bigoted club and its people just like you that have oppressed Irish men and women for centuries,no matter how much you candy coat it ,protestant clubs like rangers and linfield with their knee deep in fenians blood and famine songs brazenly show their contempt of catholic people,as have the N irelands fans and IFA,for this reason we rejoice in your pain ,you are a bunch of cheats too,all your illegally gotten silverwhare should be returned,and stricken from the record books,Porthsmouth pulled similar stunts,but didnt have friends in the British elite to appeal for help ,ps i have drank in the albion way pub in govan,and it full of scum,so im not bothered about their economy more than they are about mine
ive oppressed nobody pal and Im Irish born. Read the history lesson Grant gave you…no catholi policy was only a 20th century policy by misguided manager Bill Struth and has been gone since the mid 80s. if we are such an evil club why is the current RoI u19 goalkeeper playing for us? the only bigot here is you..and good luck to you living in.the past
As much as I am delighted that Rangers have gone into admin, I feel sorry for people that will lose their jobs and the majority of fans (including alot of my friends) that are passionate supporters and despise bigotry of all forms. Glasgow Rangers is a big employer, they will have to downsize considerably. Having said that, I’m sure Rangers fans were laughing at Celtic when they were in severe financial difficulty in the early 90s. At the end of the day…this will make a rubbish league even worse…
In fairness,they’ve tried to get into the Premier League,both old firm teams have. They should take a leaf out of Swansea’s book. Dont really know why it was rejected,Celtic is financially a big money spinner.
Ranger vs Celtic was the only match I’d watch in the Scotish League, maybe as was mentioned above and move into the English League may be the way forward…
best news ever!cant understand how a so called Irish man like Mooney could ever support this club, many of whos fans would gladly cut your throat for being a fenian!
well ive never felt less than welcome at Ibrox. And Im as much if not more of an Irishman than most. That comment sums up your bias sir and does you no favours. RTID!
Majority shareholder in Celtic is actually Irish. Plus its a club for not only the Irish diaspora in Scotland but across Britain. I support my local teams,I just always felt included in the Celtic banter when I first moved to Scotland and helped me feel more at home. Nothing wrong with that.
Celtic FC do not contribute to the Irish economy..they contribute to HMRC (& yes the irony is not lost on.me!) and the economy of Glasgow and greater Scotland. Patriotism is about more than flying a flag. and bloody flags have cost a lot more than money in this island
i think you will find when you take the green blinkers off that it was the previous and current owners refusal to pay tax that brought my club down..HMRC are only doing their job
Whats really ironic is that your own sovereignty is non-existent and you are left without a pot to piss in yet you still throw stones in that glass house of yours…quite bizarre.
So comments like yours towards Irish people are ok and not in themselves xenophobic Grant ? By generalising en entire race (Irish) with only being able to post racist & bigoted comments you’re as bad as the people you condemn.
You also need to get your facts right. The Irish know all too well about racism & bigotry. Most of it borne upon them by not only English oppression, but also with having to witness their homes and lands stole from them, turned into plantations and given to Scottish Protestants & Presbyterians as reward for their allegiance to the English throne during the Jacobite wars. From there came the birth of orange order.. one of the most bigoted, organisations you could ever come across and fiercely anti-catholic. Many of whom are die-hard Rangers fans. So who are the bigots ?
I for one would be delighted that Celtic fans of Irish, Scottish, English or whatever race & creed wont have to be subjected to disgusting, offensive insults and ‘songs’ such as the notorious ‘Famine Song’ should Rangers go bust !
My apologies to those on here with a brain for my earlier rant…anger got the better of me and should not have. It has been a tough day for me and my family due to our association with a club that has meant so much to us and delivered so much in the last forty years.
Well fergus sorry to to disappoint you but Celtic are Irish club playing in Scotland, before you comment please do some research Celtic where set up by an Irish priest to help out staving Irish people in Glasgow in the 1888 when the British government stood back and did nothing to help them, and Celtic are the only club to fly the Irish flag on top of there stadium in the UK, so don’t comment on something that you don’t know about ok….
formed by an Irish priest does not make them.an Irish club. Celtic are acknowledged as the first “British” club to win the european cup..they do business in UK..pay taxes in UK (lol!) this myth of Irish club is just that..a myth. So they fly the tricolour..big deal.appealing to.base tribalism. And songs glorifying the IRA are just as offensive to Rangers fans. And before you hop on.me I condemn sectarian singing and religious bigotry..at least im.honest enough to accept its there
Celtic are no irish club…even the name was put in place by the founder to emphasise the connection between Scots and irish. The founder was a Marist Brother from Sligo and the club was not formed just for Irish immigrants. It was formed for the generally poor and disenfranchised in Glasgow and particularly the Eastend to fund a charity called “The Poor Childrens Dinner Table”.
If you knew anything of Glaswegian history then you would also know that at this time in Glasgow there was no government input into the poor or disenfranchised. Welfare did not exist for anyone never mind Irish immigrants. Most of the funding came from Tobbacco Lords of Merchant City or from The Church…in its many guises. The Calton poorhouse was the only other option at that time.
What are you talking about grant have you ever been to a Celtic game in your life? Well i have I’ve seen thousands of Irish Celtic fans going over to Glasgow every week to watch Celtic play as every Celtic fan knows that Celtic is an Irish club playing in Scotland, it was formed by an Irish man its owned by an Irish man the most of the Celtic fans are Irish there is always Irish players playing for Celtic and the Irish flag is flying high and proud over Celtic park, and ya another thing the soil of the pitch comes from county Donegal so the pitch is Irish so if that’s not Irish i don’t know what is anymore….
thousands of liverpool man utd chelsea arsenal fans travel every week…doesnt make those clubs Irish. LFC was founded by a Scots ptesbyterian..doesnt make Liverpool Scottish. Celtic are a British club based in Britain..contributing to the British evonomy competing for British trophies and representing a British league in UEFA competitions. google first British club to win european cup….answer is simply Glasgow Celtic…not the Irish club playing in Britain!
Typical bigoted blue shirt statment from a Rangers supporter , couldnt hold it back could ya!!!! The true colours always come out ,This is the best news of the day and as your surname is grieve is is an appropiate surname for someone who soon will have only but a memory to support . Go on the celtic , good always wins over evil !!!!!
your a hypocrite..on another siye posting your support.and admiration for geert wilders far right freedom.party and their anti eastern european website…im.sure some of Celtics.players past and present wouldnt be too happy!
Ok lets face it. The scottish, welsh, norn iron, and irish leagues are just complete crap altogether. Maybe time to do a rugby job on it and create a celtic league. have your 4 provincial teams from ireland, celtic, rangers and so on and get a bit of atmosphere going. Better then whats there at the moment.
the club and team and silent majority of Rangers fans respect it..im not responsible for muppets just like you arnet for the many muppets that follow Celtic. wise up…as youve ignored it ill say again alan.smith RoI u19 goalkeeper a Dub is Rangers u19 goalkeeper…Alan Kernaghan former senior RoI intl is a reserve team coach. stop living in the past
Formed by an Irish man, owned by an Irish man, fly an Irish flag, that’ll do for me.
As for rangers not payin their taxes well that’s just not British now is it.
Rangers are fucked,their illegal activities that denied legit well run clubs a place in european football are coming back to haunt them and you have tools coming on here looking for sympathy,at least we wont have their fans celebrating victories in catholic areas by kicking innocent men to death,good riddance,Celtic were European champions Rangers were…………….haha rangers were!
Why do we need a club that had a pround anti catholic policy..they have caused trouble everywhere they go and for some reason people think we are the same. we are not the same we are an all inclusive club. Just look back to the mid 60′s when the late great jock stein was asked if you had 2 players of equal abilty but 1 being catholic the other being protestant who would you pick? He just turns and smiles id take the protestant the would never sugn a catholic. WE ARE NOT THE OLD FIRM TIME TO WALK ALONE..
We must include Rangers fans Messers Grieve and Mooney in Mr Wilders solution to this problem,in with all the other rabble, God shave the Queen and all the dobs too !!!!!
Thanks Baldy , stick to the crossdressing and keep on taking the tablets and you will be ok, in fact you and Mooney will soon have lots of time on your hands as you both will be teamless lol, I heard Peterhead are looking for supporters, Enjoy!!!!!
No need to get out of your pram , you are just pissed off cause you have no team to support,you and Grief are teamless so enjoy being unique, supporters of nobody, your hun days are over you can concentrate now being templemores answer to kojack lol
thats your choice. but its my chhoice to follow football and rugby union. an apology for belittling my parenting wouldnt go.amiss btw and for the OCD diagnosis along with the narcism slur. debating is about opposing views expressed in.calm.measured manner and facts. i will not be bullied by anyone and if my standing my ground equates to narcissm or OCD in.your view i really do hope you are not a mental.health worker as your understanding of these concepts is fundamentally flawed
that is an old joke which actually takes the pss out of the religious zealots on either side of old firm…that only.non.believers go for football! if you find that offensive i apologise but its hardly an insult! my reply was to the gist of not following football is your choice..folliwing it is mine. please refrain fromcommenting on.my.parental.skills esp based on a comment you obviously did not read properly. if you consider robust debate and rebuttal of slurs and fiction OCD and narcissistic..i sincerely hope you are not a mental.healtg workeras your grasp of those concepts us fundamentally flawed. oh i.also requested an apology for casting aspersions on.my fathering skills and referring to.me as suffering from.pychiatric disorders
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Cough it up for your gracious queen!
Couldnt happen to a nicer bunch of bigots!just like northern Ireland …you reap what you sow!
With Rangers going to the wall, I hope Celtic use the opportunity to agitate for a move to the English Premier League… perfect timing!
Jelly and Ice Cream when rangers die
Rangers and n,Ireland evil nasty bigots who are reaping what they have sown over the years,zero sympathy for the club or its vile support!
boing boing….nice to see a fellow baggie on the site!!! gr8 result@ weekend :-D
Good man joe,we are out there ,we just need to show!
im.sure Chris Brunt is delighted to know you think.he is an evil nasty bigot!
today i find a reason to smile,since 1872 rangers have operated a non catholic policy,for all your anti catholic chants,for your bitter slurs against jock stein,johnstone and tommy burns,for organising orange parades and walks around celtic park,for bigots like gaza souness mcoist,for orange away strips for runnin amuck everywhere u play,for your union jack wavin supporters,for the crap pies you serve at poundland,for when celtic almost went bust and you laughed and dominated scotish football,for all you stand for,for the shit way youve run your football club.today i smile coz karmas a bitch and today you lot got bit on the ass.hail hail
so souness..who was married to a catholic and took.the managers job on condition the ban was rescinded is a bigot? your hatred gets in the wsy of the truth sir. and what exactly are thevsongs that uefa have had to take action against Celtic this.season..hymns..i doubt it. sectarianism is alivevand well on.both sides and wont go.away until.its tackled by both sides of the divide throughout society. i condemn the bigots who stain.my clubs name..do you yours!
Yet again your facts are way off…the no catholic rule was not instigated until the twentieth century by manager Bill struth and some very short sighted and narrow minded people…ring a bell.
Glasgow Rangers was formed by four men as an athletic association for underprivileged people and to fund intiatives in the local community. In fact one of the four Moses McNeill was actually a Catholic.
My next question for you Mr Byrne would be what would you know about the great Jock Stein, Jimmy Johnstone or Tommy Burns? I actually knew Tommy Burns through my work and he would have told you himself it was like water off a ducks back to him and that the Celtic fans were just as bad.
Also when Celtic were on the brink of going bust David Murray offered to assist in any way he could as in his opinion, it would be bad for Scottish football if CFC went under. Yes the fans may have laughed and jeered and rightly so but all true fans know that there is no existence without each other, as do all Scottish teams.
If you have put as much as I have into my club…and it is my club, over the last forty years then you would stop with the usual rhetoric. I doubt you have put that much into anything in your life.
well.Darren..alan smith rangers u19 goalkeeper..roi u19 intl…alan kernaghan former senior irish intl.now reserve team coaching staff at Ibrox. but as you probably get your “news” from.the sun you wldnt be one to.let truth.and facts get in.the.way of a good sectarian rant
Never in my life have I come across a more narrow minded bunch of xenophobes in all my life. You are all comtemptable for your comments especially when you know nothing about what life is really like for people who have lived and orginate from Glasgow. By your very comments you have displayed bigotry and racism beyond reason.
I will reply in order:
1. Anne Marie Wallis – A Rubbish League…yours is so bad your population have to support English teams in order to see a decent game of football…way to go on the patriotism! You should be proud! How many European trophies have Irish teams won? How many golden boot winners have you had?
2. Eric Haughan…dream on this has a major effect on Celtic too. TV rights, sponsorship and the future of the SPL due to the revenue generated by BOTH clubs.
3. Gerald Fitzgerald – you sir are a fool who again has no clue about what this will do to communities in Glasgow and for the local economy in Govan. Nice to see you are supporting a good irish team though!
It never ceases to amaze me the depths to which stupidity goes in human beings. At least if you knew that you knew nothing that would be something!
I lived in Glasgow and while I agree with your point that not all Rangers fans are bigots,how can you explain the Famine song? Bitta banter is it? I’ve been told to go home by a fair few people when I lived there,idiots all the same but ill never forget how hurt I was. And yes the SPL is crap,even Scottish people say it. Soccer has to compete with GAA and in ny hone county of Limerick and across Ireland,rugby. Our league isn’t wonderful but at least its more open. Rant over,goodbye Rangers!
Also Irish people have stronger connections with English clubs than the Scots do…I know a lot of Scots that would admit the SPL is a poor league considering its the main sport in Scotland.
Ann Marie..Im.Irish..and a proud Rangers fan..my son at age 7 was told to “f away off back ti Belfast ya wee black hun b****rd!” when he wore his jersey…but I suppose all the bigots are Rangers fans? I despise the famine song and the billy boys song etc..but which club has uefa had to take action against recently for sectarian singing..hint its not Rangers. Rangers are trying to clean up our house…id advise the majority to look in.the mirror the odd time
I’m sorry Colin but at what point did I say all the bigots were Rangers fans? If you saw my first comment,you would note that I have many friends who are Rangers fans (including my ex). I am sorry for the loss of their club and the job losses that will occur. Having lived and worked in Govan,I know what the loss of a large institution like Rangers will do to an already socially deprived part of Glasgow. And I am sorry to hear about the incident with your son…I’ve seen grown adults shout at kids in the street for wearing the wrong jersey. I am all too aware of the bullshit certain Celtic fans come out with and they are as guilty as any other bigot in Scotland. I’m just going by my personal experiences,being called a dirty immigrant taig,not being wanted in Scotland etc. And yes,both old firm clubs do a lot for charity of which they should be commended.
ann marie thank you for balanced reply. your previous comments are somewhat contradictory..expressing delight at rangers predicament and concern for employees and finishing your second with goodbye rangers. now im not looking for a row and you are in my exp of posting here one of the most mannerly and objective commentators so if i misread your comments and confused them with others i apologise. and thank you for your disgust at what happened my wee boy. my bedt mates are celtic fans and gents they are too. i follow rangers with pride..ibe no time for bigots
Colin,at the end of the day I am a Celtic fan and cannot deny that…Rangers are our biggest rivals and in a similar fashion to other clubs in the SPL that have been in previous situations (Dundee clubs) there has been words of joy expressed at the clubs demise. I have been to Celtic Park and Ibrox,mortified at the carry on by both sides.Bigotry is a terrible blight on Scotland,which is as important as ever if they wish to go forward and have independence. It is true that Rangers and Celtic rely on eachother…the old firm is one of the most heated games in the world. I expect Rangers will come back in a different form,the fans are passionate about the club and will mend and make do in the best way they can. and no harm done,apart from that I loved my time in Glasgow!
I have expierience of your culture and community,and rangers fans ,so i am entitled to say it how it is,you support a evil racist bigoted club and its people just like you that have oppressed Irish men and women for centuries,no matter how much you candy coat it ,protestant clubs like rangers and linfield with their knee deep in fenians blood and famine songs brazenly show their contempt of catholic people,as have the N irelands fans and IFA,for this reason we rejoice in your pain ,you are a bunch of cheats too,all your illegally gotten silverwhare should be returned,and stricken from the record books,Porthsmouth pulled similar stunts,but didnt have friends in the British elite to appeal for help ,ps i have drank in the albion way pub in govan,and it full of scum,so im not bothered about their economy more than they are about mine
ive oppressed nobody pal and Im Irish born. Read the history lesson Grant gave you…no catholi policy was only a 20th century policy by misguided manager Bill Struth and has been gone since the mid 80s. if we are such an evil club why is the current RoI u19 goalkeeper playing for us? the only bigot here is you..and good luck to you living in.the past
As much as I am delighted that Rangers have gone into admin, I feel sorry for people that will lose their jobs and the majority of fans (including alot of my friends) that are passionate supporters and despise bigotry of all forms. Glasgow Rangers is a big employer, they will have to downsize considerably. Having said that, I’m sure Rangers fans were laughing at Celtic when they were in severe financial difficulty in the early 90s. At the end of the day…this will make a rubbish league even worse…
In fairness,they’ve tried to get into the Premier League,both old firm teams have. They should take a leaf out of Swansea’s book. Dont really know why it was rejected,Celtic is financially a big money spinner.
“todays the day the teddy bears get their pitch nicked”
Ranger vs Celtic was the only match I’d watch in the Scotish League, maybe as was mentioned above and move into the English League may be the way forward…
Karma !
Celtic need Rangers. Rangers need Celtic. It´s called “the Old Firm” for a reason.
well said neil..sorry day for scottish football
fnar fnar
Tremendous news.
Why should we care about 2 foreign clubs. That Rangers chap was right, we should support our own.
You agree with an Irishman supporting a foreign club who tells us we should support our own? That’s a bit British
best news ever!cant understand how a so called Irish man like Mooney could ever support this club, many of whos fans would gladly cut your throat for being a fenian!
well ive never felt less than welcome at Ibrox. And Im as much if not more of an Irishman than most. That comment sums up your bias sir and does you no favours. RTID!
Don’t know how a so called Irish man could support a foreign club like Celtic. Support your own first.
well said Fergus..and I follow Shels here
Majority shareholder in Celtic is actually Irish. Plus its a club for not only the Irish diaspora in Scotland but across Britain. I support my local teams,I just always felt included in the Celtic banter when I first moved to Scotland and helped me feel more at home. Nothing wrong with that.
Celtic FC do not contribute to the Irish economy..they contribute to HMRC (& yes the irony is not lost on.me!) and the economy of Glasgow and greater Scotland. Patriotism is about more than flying a flag. and bloody flags have cost a lot more than money in this island
its ironic how the crown they pledge their loyalty to brought them crashing down :-)
i think you will find when you take the green blinkers off that it was the previous and current owners refusal to pay tax that brought my club down..HMRC are only doing their job
Whats really ironic is that your own sovereignty is non-existent and you are left without a pot to piss in yet you still throw stones in that glass house of yours…quite bizarre.
The usual racist, bigoted and xenophobic Irish reply to a situation you know very little about.
The reason your country is in the toilet…ignorance & apathy!
So comments like yours towards Irish people are ok and not in themselves xenophobic Grant ? By generalising en entire race (Irish) with only being able to post racist & bigoted comments you’re as bad as the people you condemn.
You also need to get your facts right. The Irish know all too well about racism & bigotry. Most of it borne upon them by not only English oppression, but also with having to witness their homes and lands stole from them, turned into plantations and given to Scottish Protestants & Presbyterians as reward for their allegiance to the English throne during the Jacobite wars. From there came the birth of orange order.. one of the most bigoted, organisations you could ever come across and fiercely anti-catholic. Many of whom are die-hard Rangers fans. So who are the bigots ?
I for one would be delighted that Celtic fans of Irish, Scottish, English or whatever race & creed wont have to be subjected to disgusting, offensive insults and ‘songs’ such as the notorious ‘Famine Song’ should Rangers go bust !
My apologies to those on here with a brain for my earlier rant…anger got the better of me and should not have. It has been a tough day for me and my family due to our association with a club that has meant so much to us and delivered so much in the last forty years.
Isn’t Ireland your country too?
If they do survive I hope any catholic players will be allowed to bless themselves when entering the pitch. Do you agree?
The worst part of all this is that Rangers fans have not been afforded the decency of a proper statement by the owners,hence why all the confusion.
The reason your club is in the toilet is you are sponGERS and cheats,you wont be missed if you disapear!
Well fergus sorry to to disappoint you but Celtic are Irish club playing in Scotland, before you comment please do some research Celtic where set up by an Irish priest to help out staving Irish people in Glasgow in the 1888 when the British government stood back and did nothing to help them, and Celtic are the only club to fly the Irish flag on top of there stadium in the UK, so don’t comment on something that you don’t know about ok….
good stuff john.im sure there will be a minutes silence when celtic take on hibs on sunday :-)
formed by an Irish priest does not make them.an Irish club. Celtic are acknowledged as the first “British” club to win the european cup..they do business in UK..pay taxes in UK (lol!) this myth of Irish club is just that..a myth. So they fly the tricolour..big deal.appealing to.base tribalism. And songs glorifying the IRA are just as offensive to Rangers fans. And before you hop on.me I condemn sectarian singing and religious bigotry..at least im.honest enough to accept its there
Celtic are no irish club…even the name was put in place by the founder to emphasise the connection between Scots and irish. The founder was a Marist Brother from Sligo and the club was not formed just for Irish immigrants. It was formed for the generally poor and disenfranchised in Glasgow and particularly the Eastend to fund a charity called “The Poor Childrens Dinner Table”.
If you knew anything of Glaswegian history then you would also know that at this time in Glasgow there was no government input into the poor or disenfranchised. Welfare did not exist for anyone never mind Irish immigrants. Most of the funding came from Tobbacco Lords of Merchant City or from The Church…in its many guises. The Calton poorhouse was the only other option at that time.
What are you talking about grant have you ever been to a Celtic game in your life? Well i have I’ve seen thousands of Irish Celtic fans going over to Glasgow every week to watch Celtic play as every Celtic fan knows that Celtic is an Irish club playing in Scotland, it was formed by an Irish man its owned by an Irish man the most of the Celtic fans are Irish there is always Irish players playing for Celtic and the Irish flag is flying high and proud over Celtic park, and ya another thing the soil of the pitch comes from county Donegal so the pitch is Irish so if that’s not Irish i don’t know what is anymore….
thousands of liverpool man utd chelsea arsenal fans travel every week…doesnt make those clubs Irish. LFC was founded by a Scots ptesbyterian..doesnt make Liverpool Scottish. Celtic are a British club based in Britain..contributing to the British evonomy competing for British trophies and representing a British league in UEFA competitions. google first British club to win european cup….answer is simply Glasgow Celtic…not the Irish club playing in Britain!
Typical bigoted blue shirt statment from a Rangers supporter , couldnt hold it back could ya!!!! The true colours always come out ,This is the best news of the day and as your surname is grieve is is an appropiate surname for someone who soon will have only but a memory to support . Go on the celtic , good always wins over evil !!!!!
your a hypocrite..on another siye posting your support.and admiration for geert wilders far right freedom.party and their anti eastern european website…im.sure some of Celtics.players past and present wouldnt be too happy!
Ok lets face it. The scottish, welsh, norn iron, and irish leagues are just complete crap altogether. Maybe time to do a rugby job on it and create a celtic league. have your 4 provincial teams from ireland, celtic, rangers and so on and get a bit of atmosphere going. Better then whats there at the moment.
well said begrudgery..ive been.pushing that agenda on chat sites for a while. it makes sense so.thats prbly the biggest obstacle!
funny 5 likes for begrudgery and zero for.me with same point made..wow the hate mob are out in.force
so you respect your national flag but support a team with no respect for yours.are you kiddin me man?
the club and team and silent majority of Rangers fans respect it..im not responsible for muppets just like you arnet for the many muppets that follow Celtic. wise up…as youve ignored it ill say again alan.smith RoI u19 goalkeeper a Dub is Rangers u19 goalkeeper…Alan Kernaghan former senior RoI intl is a reserve team coach. stop living in the past
ahahahahaha you wave a tricolour in ibroke,i f**kin doubt it.
try reading a comment before posting a retort
yeah colm.the new tv deal from the history channel will keep you lot a float.at least sally might get invited back to a question of sport :-)
Why don’t they ask their precious billionaire queen? It’s only crumbs to her
Colm. Good morning Hun!!!
Just the record boys of the old brigade is not a bigot our a sectarian song
what flag do you wave colm.do you wave a scottish flag,a st george or a union jack?
do you take a tricolour with you to ibrox?doubt yould feel so welcome then
a tricolour as it happens
i dont sully a national.flag with club slogans. i know how to.respect a flag and what its supposed to be used for and what it signifies
@Grant. You found out you were wrong on your Rules of the Road and went into hiding. You even had the book in front of you. Although it’s YOUR rules!!
A shite league is about to get twice as shite
this getting to be a habit imran…agreeing twice! standard of football is very low
Death to Israel
now you are pushing it! lol…hitting the hay goodnight lad…ceasfire!
On a lighter note…whats the definition of an aethiest in.Glasgow?
Someone who goes to.an.old firm.game to.watch the football!
no income tax no vat,no money back no rfc,taxmans bangin down your door,soon to be an asda superstore :-)
dinnae git carried away laddy…there will.always be a Rangers FC!
Goodnight, proper order shall resume tomorrow
Imran. Good morning friend!
Morning lover
Formed by an Irish man, owned by an Irish man, fly an Irish flag, that’ll do for me.
As for rangers not payin their taxes well that’s just not British now is it.
Rangers are fucked,their illegal activities that denied legit well run clubs a place in european football are coming back to haunt them and you have tools coming on here looking for sympathy,at least we wont have their fans celebrating victories in catholic areas by kicking innocent men to death,good riddance,Celtic were European champions Rangers were…………….haha rangers were!
Colm Colm whats the score? Colm what’s the score?
Rangers _0 ..Kilmarnock _.1
Why do we need a club that had a pround anti catholic policy..they have caused trouble everywhere they go and for some reason people think we are the same. we are not the same we are an all inclusive club. Just look back to the mid 60′s when the late great jock stein was asked if you had 2 players of equal abilty but 1 being catholic the other being protestant who would you pick? He just turns and smiles id take the protestant the would never sugn a catholic. WE ARE NOT THE OLD FIRM TIME TO WALK ALONE..
You got three before me!
We must include Rangers fans Messers Grieve and Mooney in Mr Wilders solution to this problem,in with all the other rabble, God shave the Queen and all the dobs too !!!!!
Thanks Baldy , stick to the crossdressing and keep on taking the tablets and you will be ok, in fact you and Mooney will soon have lots of time on your hands as you both will be teamless lol, I heard Peterhead are looking for supporters, Enjoy!!!!!
No need to get out of your pram , you are just pissed off cause you have no team to support,you and Grief are teamless so enjoy being unique, supporters of nobody, your hun days are over you can concentrate now being templemores answer to kojack lol
thats your choice. but its my chhoice to follow football and rugby union. an apology for belittling my parenting wouldnt go.amiss btw and for the OCD diagnosis along with the narcism slur. debating is about opposing views expressed in.calm.measured manner and facts. i will not be bullied by anyone and if my standing my ground equates to narcissm or OCD in.your view i really do hope you are not a mental.health worker as your understanding of these concepts is fundamentally flawed
comment for setanta heary
i replied to u but its 16 comments back
that is an old joke which actually takes the pss out of the religious zealots on either side of old firm…that only.non.believers go for football! if you find that offensive i apologise but its hardly an insult! my reply was to the gist of not following football is your choice..folliwing it is mine. please refrain fromcommenting on.my.parental.skills esp based on a comment you obviously did not read properly. if you consider robust debate and rebuttal of slurs and fiction OCD and narcissistic..i sincerely hope you are not a mental.healtg workeras your grasp of those concepts us fundamentally flawed. oh i.also requested an apology for casting aspersions on.my fathering skills and referring to.me as suffering from.pychiatric disorders
another reply for setanta heary