
Hoof and hope: Switcharooney on Twitter

Wayne Rooney has a horse, and he too has plenty to, eh, neigh for himself?

A HORSE IS a horse of, course, of course.

And no-one can talk to a horse, of course…

But you can tweet Wayne Rooney’s new four-legged friend, @Switcharooney.

Yes the Manchester United striker has followed in the footsteps of his manager, Alex Ferguson, and team-mate, Michael Owen, by buying a racehorse with his wife Coleen.

The Daily Mail report that the nag is a two-year-old colt which was originally named Ocean’s Seven before the Rooney’s added their own stamp to it’s identity.

Rooney’s equine equivalent has even made an appearance on Twitter this morning.

Understandably enough, typing has proved difficult and, so far, Switcharooney has only managed to press his hoof onto that big retweet button.

Still, the horse’s presence on social media brought to mind another stable-dweller who managed to convey his thoughts to thousands at a time.

YouTube credit: PsychoDad1860

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