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Follow Friday: It's Stephen Grant

Every Friday we point you in the right direction for some of the most entertaining sports starts on the Twitter.

YOU SEE, THE thing about sport is that so many characteristics cross over from one code to the next.

We’ve watched Sonny Bill Williams chance his arm at boxing, countless GAA stars have tweaked and carried their skills over to the oval down under and even the great Michael Jordan fulfilled a lifelong ambition to play baseball.

Even more commonplace is the sight of a star athlete putting all that free time to good use by lowering his golf handicap.

Brian O’Driscoll and Tom Brady are reportedly golfers of some renown. Jimmy Bullard was probably better on the fairways than he was on the pitch.

What is rare, though, is for a footballer to cut his career short to belatedly take up this sport of intricate skill as a professional. At the age of 27, Stephen Grant did just that.

On top of football and golf, Grant evidently loves his food. Don’t worry though, when it comes to eating; he’s not going to post pictures of his plate. He’s a gourmand, far too busy eating for that.

So aside, from the joys of finding new and exciting food to eat on the European Tour, Grant also tends to have a little trouble keeping his car full of gas while in the US. Luckily, he hasn’t been caught yet, but he’s come mighty close.

Get following Stephen Grant @Soccer2Golf. Here are some highlights you’ve missed.

Grant: Spick and span, ready for action.
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  • Grant: Spick and span, ready for action.

  • Grant: The hunter-gatherer.

  • Grant: About to have his smallest ever milkshake.

  • Grant: Delirious from lack of sleep.

  • Grant: Gas guzzler.

  • Grant: Rarely so relieved to be in a petrol station's forecourt.

  • Grant: Prefers the hard shoulder of the N81.

  • Grant: Like the rest of us, huddling close to watch Louis v Bubba.

  • Grant: Rib heaven.

  • Grant: Offering sweet treats in effort to poach Harrington's bagman.

  • Grant: Protector of turtles.
