
Follow Friday: It’s Conor Mortimer

Every Friday we’ll point you in the right direction for some of the most entertaining sportsmen and women on the Twitter.

A PICTURE SAYS a thousand words, so why bother trying to force that kind of novel into just 140 characters?

Conor Mortimer is a great man for the the twitpics. A quick intro, snap, and boom. You’re transported into the wonderful world of a county footballer.

You already know from that infamous t-shirt that he loves Michael Jackson, but don’t forget about Liverpool and his Mazda RX8.

Also, did you know he hates training? Not the football part, but the getting up early and going out in the cold bit.

Yes, he may have broken one of MJ Tierney’s golden rules of Twitter by taking a photo of his dogs, but you gotta give the people what they want.

So, if you want decent discussion on Parnell’s, Mayo or maybe even Luis Suarez you know who to follow, it’s @conmort of course.

Mortimer on: Setting achievable goals for weight loss.
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  • Mortimer on: Setting achievable goals for weight loss.

    That jacket will fit by the time championship starts.
  • Mortimer on: Domestic bliss.

    Was that a 3 in 1? Someone (either Jonny Murtagh, Colm Begley or Aindreas Doyle) is in for a rollicking.
  • Mortimer on: A case of mistaken identity.

    It's not the actual 'big-eared' trophy but it'll do to prove a point.
  • Mortimer on: His rumbled reconnaissance mission in Louth.

    This guy reports directly to Paddy Keenan.
  • Mortimer on: Tapping up a replacement for Robert Hennelly.

    But can he take a 45?
  • Mortimer on: Procrastinating.

    Yep, that's Conor hiding behind the phone.
  • Mortimer on: His future as a Match of the Day pundit.

    Time to iron the shirt and slacks.
  • Mortimer on: That big English bloke.

    Dan, Matt, it's all the same... so long as he didn't spend the whole night calling bulky England back, Matt Banahan, 'Dan'.
  • Mortimer on: Know your enemy.

    Another spy mission aborted early. On this occasion he left before Blackburn claimed all three points.
  • Mortimer on: Old wounds running deep.

  • Mortimer on: Tributes

    Is it too soon to ask if we'll see another t-shirt?
  • Mortimer on: The man in the mirror.

    You never know what you'll see on Halloween.