
Estonia bound: the wheres and hows of getting there

Want to show your support for the boys in green but intimidated by the Baltic? Look no further: we’ve collated all your travel options in a tidy little slideshow.

JEWEL OF THE Baltic, Nipple of Russia, birthplace of American Pie’s Mena Suvari: by whatever name you know the Republic of Estonia, it’s unlikely– statistically speaking– that you’ve ever been there.

But if you’re one of the lucky fans contemplating that first trip to Europe’s eastern frontier, don’t worry: you have a veritable handful of travel options available to you. Granted, some are more convenient than others, but when it comes to patriotism, surely no trip is too arduous, no ordeal too traumatic.

Tallinn or bust!
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  • Tallinn or bust!

    Source: Chris Radburn/PA Wire/Press Association Images
  • Tallinn or bust!

  • Tallinn or bust!

  • Tallinn or bust!

    Source: ALASTAIR GRANT/AP/Press Association Images